About Yin & Yang

Everything is interconnected

Chinese Medicine is based on the Taoist belief that we live in a universe in which everything is interconnected. What happens to one part of the body affects every other part of the body – organs and organ systems work together to keep the body functioning. The mind affects the body and the body affects the mind. Our inner way of being affects how we engage with our outer world and our environment affects our health and well-being.

Energy and The Five Elemental Cycles

The theory of the five elements represents the cycle produced by the movement of Yin and Yang constantly shifting between the poles of duality. This movement of Yin and Yang gave birth to what are called the Five Elements:

Fire Element

The energy culminates in the summer when temperatures
are generally much warmer and Yang peaks.

Wood Element

With the advent of Spring, the energy begins to move again much like a sprout in the throes of germination.

Metal Element

When the leaves begin to fall from the trees in the autumn, Yin begins to assume the mantle of authority which is consummated in the winter.

Late Summer
Earth Element

Yin is in waiting and as late summer fades, everything is in preparation for the recession of Yang. Everything is cooling down

Water Element

The energy is dormant and the temperature is cold. Yin culminates at this time and Yang prepares to come out of hibernation.

Late Summer
Earth Element

Yin is in waiting and as late summer fades, everything is in preparation for the recession of Yang. Everything is cooling down

Metal Element

When the leaves begin to fall from the trees in the autumn, Yin begins to assume the mantle of authority which is consummated in the winter.

Water Element

The energy is dormant and the temperature is cold. Yin culminates at this time and Yang prepares to come out of hibernation.

Wood Element

With the advent of Spring, the energy begins to move again much like a sprout in the throes of germination.

Life everywhere revolves around this cycle as it endlessly repeats.

The theory of the five elements evolved over the centuries to describe not only the rhythm of nature and the impact of this on the harvests of plants and seeds, but the types of energy that nourish or weaken the organs of the body, astrological evaluations, treatment principles and numerous other correlations to life in general.

Most importantly, the concept of the five elements represents levels of energy and has been used as a medical theory, for 4 centuries to formulate treatment principles. In order for there to be balance and harmony in health and life, there must be balance and harmony within the 5 elements and their respective organ systems.

Let's Work Together

Many years of successful clinical practice have brought Kim to focus on her current areas of health specialty.

Whilst these areas can be complex and heavily interconnected, Kim provides a safe and trusting place to explore with her clients the particular challenges, treatments and opportunities for change.