Kim Harris - Oriental Medicine Practitioner Sydney Spring Healing Tips

Spring – Time for New Direction and Energy

Movement and Progress – the Energy of Spring

Spring is paired with the Wood element, as this is the time plants and trees start showing signs of new life. Wood exemplifies the energy of growth, change, and pushing through obstacles. It’s a very active energy that allows for a lot of movement and progress, both internally and externally. This energy allows us to have new ideas and plans, to change who we are, be assertive, make decisions, have a vision and hope for the future.

If we’ve followed nature’s way during winter, we emerge rested and raring to go in Spring – with a clear vision and purpose. Now is the time to plant the seeds you wish to harvest in the future, to look ahead and make new plans, formulate new ideas, make decisions and determine your direction for the coming year – and to take action!

The Wood Element and our Liver Qi

In the body, the Wood element is associated with the acupuncture meridians of the Liver and Gall Bladder. The Liver governs the muscles and tendons, the eyes, the fingernails and plays a key role in the functioning of the reproductive system. In the body as a whole, it is responsible for the smooth flow of mental and physical energy, and assists all the other organ systems in functioning properly.

Liver “Qi” (energy) allows for the appropriate movement and release of emotions, and has an especially strong connection with the feelings of anger and frustration. It tirelessly filters and cleans our blood from unwanted toxins and bugs. The Gall Bladder creates and stores bile which is required to break down fats in our diet.

Spring as a Time to Work with Blockages

When Wood energy is blocked or constrained frustration, anger, stress and stuck-ness can be the result. This may feel a little like this:

  • You feel blocked in all directions.
  • It seems like interactions with others seem to turn into confrontations.
  • Life feels chaotic – it’s hard to see a clear direction and make plans.
  • You can’t quite see the big picture and you get stuck on the details.
  • It’s difficult to make decisions.

Spring is a really good time to work with these blockages, and get things moving so we can have access to all that great energy. As the Liver Qi starts to flow more easily in the spring, problems that bothered us in the winter often start to feel better, and we find we have more energy and vigour.

Transitioning to Spring

Sometimes the transition to Spring can be a little rocky with people feeling more stagnant and pent-up for a little while. This can be a challenging time for health issues that are related to Qi stagnation, e.g. depression, muscle tightness and pain, digestive disorders, migraines, sinus and eye problems, insomnia, hernias, high blood pressure and menstrual difficulties.

Don’t be discouraged if these symptoms feel a little worse, just when the weather is starting to get better. Spring is a really good time to work with these conditions, because the patterns are most accessible and responsive to lasting change.

Suggestions for Making the Most of Spring

  1. Get outside — Outdoor air helps the Qi flow, as does exercise. If you find yourself feeling irritable, lethargic, or stuck, find some time for an outdoor activity such as stretching, Qi Gong, Tai Qi, yoga, light weights, walking, meditation, light cardio, hiking, gardening, cycling – whatever suits you!
  2. Express yourself! — Dancing, cooking, writing, making art or music… Any form of creative expression helps nourish and channel Wood energy in a healthy way.
  3. Invite new things into your life — This is a time for new projects, new connections and friendships and new ways of seeing things.
  4. Dress accordingly — Spring weather changes like an infants’ face so using layers is best. Spring is also the windy season and as the weather starts to warm up, we can become susceptible to colds and flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, upper respiratory infections, sinus and hay fever.
  5. Eat green food — Not surprisingly, green is the colour that goes with spring, wood, and the liver. Green, leafy foods are especially helpful to the liver Qi. If you can find in-season baby greens, that’s the best!
  6. Keep hydrated — Consume 2 litres of filtered water per day.
  7. Add the sour flavour — Sour foods also help soothe and smooth the liver Qi, and can ease the transition into spring. Add lemon to your (room temperature) water, pickles to your sandwich, and vinegar dressings to your salad. Those who suffer from chronic pain will need to moderate the sour flavour as too much goes directly to the nerves and can injure the liver.
  8. Take care of allergies — Allergy symptoms can make an otherwise lovely time of year quite unpleasant. To discuss a treatment strategy, call me to make an appointment.
  9. Stretch — According to Oriental medicine, the Liver stores blood during rest and releases it to the tendons and muscles in times of activity. Taking a few minutes to stretch or do yoga in the morning can help you move more fluidly through the day.
  10. Enjoy acupuncture and herbal medicine — This will assist in detoxing the body and generally give an extra boost along.

What to Avoid in Spring

Although we like to concentrate on what’s nourishing and beneficial, the Liver certainly responds to some foods and non-foods negatively. So, in Spring especially, try to avoid or significantly reduce the following:

  • Refined sugar
  • Caffeine – including chocolate
  • Alcohol and other stimulating drugs
  • Chilli and garlic – These are very stimulating to the Liver and create Liver Fire. (Check the colour of your tongue – if it’s quite red or dark, it would be best if you avoid these altogether)
  • Food additives of any kind
  • Vegetable oils other than olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil
  • Deep fried foods. Even in traditional fats these contribute to Liver Fire. These should only be consumed in the cooler months and especially avoided if your tongue is red!

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